All online bookings are automatically confirmed via email through acuity scheduling. A zoom video link is automated with your preferred local day/time and should be tested before the day of your scheduled appointment. Local Australian clients can book online via the website link or in-person meeting via text message.
Chakra Clearing + Attunement
Trauma Release
Light Code Activation
Energy Retrieval + Restoration
This service is fast yet powerful in its own right. This is for those who understand that something feels a little "off" balance & requires some fine tuning.
Ever wonder how someone else can appear to be so free, yet you feel stuck?
Chakra clearing + attunement allows the bodies main energy centres to spin in alignment & harmony according to your souls divine blueprint.
Have you been holding onto trauma or fear of any kind? Did you know that this creates an energy signal that gets trapped & stored inside your body causing physical, mental, or emotional pain? I have been gifted the ability to trace energy cords for the purpose of assisting your body, mind, & soul to 'release trauma'. By finding the initial pattern that caused the trauma we are able to understand, integrate, transmute, & transcend the experience through higher vibrational frequencies of light.
Everything that surrounds you has the potential to be absorbed by the physical cells in your body & stored as an information switch telling you how to act, speak, think, & what to believe in. It has been scientifically proven that who you interact with, what you watch on tv or social media has an impact on your physical, mental, & emotional well-being. I specialise in DNA re-programming, which means that I am able to see & transmute information, patterns, programs stored inside your energy bodies that can cause confusion, distortions, or imbalances impacting your overall well-being & quality of life.
Are you aware that every person you have ever met where the situation/relationship has left you feeling sad, angry, frustrated, alone, or worthless has allowed you to leave a small fragment of your energy behind with it? And that over time your energy is potentially left in so many places, with so many people, in so many situations that you begin to loose track of it & feel depleted. My higher self/innate has the ability to assist you in taking back your power from those experiences by facilitating an energy retrieval. Ultimately bringing back as many of these missing pieces that the physical body can safely integrate in the present moment.
Intuitive guidance is also given throughout to assist you in understanding the stages of your personal transformation, expansion, & soul growth.
You are never alone!
77 AUD
Cash payment accepted on the day of your appointment or link below for digital purchase.
Chakra Clearing + Attunement
Trauma Release
DNA Activations + Re-coding
Energy Retrieval + Restoration
Light Code Activations
This 1:1 guided session is a gentle way for you to dip your toes in the water & take an energetic load off.
This divinely guided healing is based on ancient practices & infused with light code activations to remove distorted programming from the physical, mental, emotional, & etheric bodies.
Information absorbed from the environment can get trapped inside your cellular memory causing confusion, illusions, distortions, or chemical imbalances. DNA re-programming is designed to restore cellular health to its organic state & provide a sense of overall well-being.
All light codes & activations are channeled through source, completely aligned with your own unique & personal organic DNA blueprint.
Intuitive guidance is given throughout to assist you in understanding stages of your personal transformation, expansion, & soul growth.
You are never alone!
155 AUD
Cash payment accepted on the day of your appointment or link below for digital purchase.
Energy Retrieval + Restoration
DNA re-coding of Genetic Disease/Injuries
Light Code Activations
Chakra Clearing + Attunment
Deep Cellular Healing
Trauma Release
Quantum frequency detox
This session is designed for optimal healing of individuals with a "genetic" disease or chronic pain/injuries. This intuitive session allows me to channel higher vibrational light into specific areas of concern to restore, balance, & harmonise the physical, mental, emotional, & etheric bodies.
Infused with quantum detox frequencies this session allows me to see information stored within the cellular memory of the body in order to target specific diseases, inflammation, or chemical imbalances. All light codes & activations are channeled through source, completely aligned with your personal & organic DNA blueprint.
Intuitive guidance is given throughout to assist you in understanding stages of transformation, expansion, & soul growth.
You are never alone!
199 AUD
Cash payment accepted on the day of your appointment or link below for digital purchase
Energy Retrieval + Reconciliation
DNA Activations
Light Code Activations
Chakra Clearing + Attunment
Deep Cellular Healing
Trauma Release + Bloodline clearing
Pineal Glad detox from calcification
Quantum frequency detox
Intuitive, Healing, + Transitional Channel Frequency Clearing
Divine Feminine/Masculine Sacred Union Code Infusion
This quantum healing session is designed for the empaths, starseeds, or highly sensitive souls. The intention behind this session is to assist with your physical bodies individual needs for ascension & guiding your soul into higher alignment. My guides will assist with targeting the activation or release of specific ancestral information & bloodline memories stored inside your DNA/akashic records.
Intuitive trauma release is provided by tracing your energy through space & time to find the root cause & dissolve it. This powerful clearing assists in restoring balance & harmony to the etheric body whilst making room in the physical body for higher light code activations.
Bloodline clearing & trauma release modalities are infused with light code activations to re-align the physical, mental, emotional, & etheric bodies. Complimented by energetically flushing the intuitive, healing, & transitional channels to assist with enhancing psychic gifts/abilities, integration of light body activations, & stabilisation in the physical body.
All codes & activations are specifically chosen & designed by your higher self to assist you with your evolution/ascension, according to your unique, personal, organic DNA blueprint.
Intuitive guidance is also given throughout to assist you in understanding the stages of your personal transformation, expansion, & soul growth.
You are never alone!
222 AUD
Cash payment accepted on the day of your appointment or link below for digital purchase
The children of a new age have dawned upon us. They are here to teach us, lead us, & guide us into a new reality; yet they are in need of divine guidance to allow them to be the light they came here to be.
Does your child say things out of the ordinary like they see colours, or angels, or scary monsters in the house? Do they seem perfectly fine one minute then throw themselves down in an instant? Do they often look around as if they are disinterested, but you feel like they are seeing things that you cannot see?
Your child may be a naturally gifted healer, have telepathic abilities, or empathic. This means they are highly sensitive to their environment & the subtle energies of people around them. They may be picking up on the emotional trauma of other beings, but not sure how to express it. This can lead to tantrums, outbursts of frustration, or expression of tears to release trauma or energy that does not belong to them.
In this 45 minute guided session we will address the core issues of the child/parent connection & any programming that has been implemented at or before the time of conception. We will provide encapsulated womb healing & address any traumatic events or experiences from birth right through to the current lifespan of the child.
Past life connections will be cleared & intuitive guidance channeled to assist both the child & guardian/parent to understand how to transition through energy blockages or genetic programming.
You are never alone!
88 AUD
Cash payment accepted on the day of your appointment or link below for digital purchase
Couples or Families (2+ people)
Energy Retrieval + Disentanglement + Restoration
Recognising + Breaking Ancestral Patterns
Release Ancestral Trauma
Divine Feminine/Masculine Alignment
DNA re-coding
Light Code Activations
Chakra Clearing + Attunment
Deep Cellular Healing
Breaking Down Destructive Cycles + Re-coding Love Languages
We often reincarnate with members of our soul family/soul groups to learn & grow through collective or individual experiences. More often than not we replay the same cycles or patterns of our ancestors until they are brought to our awareness for healing & release. Ancestral behaviours can cause a lot of internal or external patterns & programming which create distortions in our genetic coding at a cellular level.
Past life energy threads & experiences in other timelines or dimensions can form some of our present day belief systems/behaviours. Ever notice how you have a specific fear/phobia or even an unexplained skill that comes naturally to you? Through energy tracing & DNA re-programming I am able to assist your family in bringing all energy back to the present to break cycles of distorted programming. When one member of the family begins to heal it creates a ripple effect that flows up & down the chains of our Ancestors.
Intuitive guidance is also given throughout to assist you in understanding the stages of your personal transformation, expansion, & soul growth.
You are never alone!
333 AUD
Cash payment accepted on the day of your appointment or link below for digital purchase
All services are provided to offer spiritual guidance on the basis of individual personal experience. Sacred Healing Soul Activation offer these services with the intention of empowering you to take responsibility for your life choices here and now.
By engaging with Sacred Healing Soul Activation you agree that you are a willing participant in the services provided and take full responsibility for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. All services are offered in good faith and are not intended to replace legal, medical, financial, or other professional advise. I am not responsible for any action or inaction as a result of your participation in the services that I provide.
All services are offered to you with heartfelt kindness and compassion
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